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Showing posts from February, 2020

Origin of Schizophrenia

A lot of studies show that schizophrenia is a disease that is connected with autoimmune inflamation of the brain cells, but until now noone knows the reason why antibodies react to the brain tissue. A lot of studies show that neurons are stimulated by microglia cells. Those cells are found in the microglia of the hypocampus and reticular nerve system. It is for a long time known that schizophrenie is caused by hyperstimulation of the brain neuron cells which are stimulated by microglia cells. So if we destroy those cells (microglia cells) through chemical agents those cells which are dying stimulate the neurons through release of neurotransmitters. This means the neurons produce neurostimulating transmitters  which react through building nerve circles which cause halucinations which are the main reason for clinical manifestation of schizophrenia. According to the autoimmune theory nerve cells are damaged through antibodies which usualy do not pass the haematoencephal barrier which ...

Dementia, Azheimer Disease as an Aspect in the Treatment according to the Autoimmune Theory

Dementia and Alzheimer disease is a result of the autoimmune infection of the brain cells, caused by the consumption of meat and meat products. As I previously mentioned brain cells are destructed as a result of the autoimmune reaction of the organism against them. Diseases as Jacobs-Kreuzfeld are proofed to be caused by a prion which enters the cell through prion receptor of the nerve cell. If we assume that this receptor could have an antibody in the blood stream, this may mean that such antibodies may cause common to Jacobs-Kreuzfeld disease clinic occurance. So is it posible to assume that dementia and Alzheimer diseases are caused according to the autoimmune threory by antibodies which react to brain cell receptors? Psychic disorders may be connected with consumption of beef Psychic disorders nowadays are increasing parallelly with increasing of beef consumption. Autism and schizophrenia, Alzheimer, Parkinson, dementia are autoimmune deceases, connected with the sensitive ...