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The Theory of Autoimmunity explains also the Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia in Children.

We all know that the immune system of children is unstable: they react to antigens strongly: they get fever and all the infection symptoms quickly and they overcome the infection quickly. But if the antigen comes in big amount and constantly in organism, the immune system react with proliferation of lymphocytes and production of antibodies, following chronical diseases and in some cases leukemia. The number of immature white blood cells also increases, because the immune system is constantly stimulated by the antigen in food
It is a lot spoken about pH reaction in organism when it develops some disease and that we need alkaline reaction of blood to overcome diseases especially malign diseases. In fact it is proven that vegetables cause more alkaline reaction and meat causes acidic reaction of blood. Why?
Because acidic reaction of blood characterizes inflammation and consuming meat and animal products causes that inflammation. We could consume vegetable acids as much we want we cannot cause cancer, but animal products can cause it through the chronical inflammation in the organism, through the destruction of tissues and the need of proliferation of new tissues which causes the activation of cancer genes.
Another proof for the autoimmune theory is the paraneoplastic syndromes. They are caused by production of autoimmune antibodies. This leads to the conclusion that leukemia and other malign deceases are caused also by autoimmune reaction of the organism. Consumption of meat causes the production of antibodies and proliferation of B-cells thus sometimes leukemia, sometimes human antibodies destruct tissues by inflammation, these tissues need to be replaced by new tissues thus causing proliferation of genes which may cause cancer.
Perhaps leukemia and cancer can be cured with vegan diet?
I would leave the answer to you, but when you need it do not forget it can be too late.
The next article shows the connection between acidity an inflammation. It also proves that meat diets cause higher acidity levels.
Perhaps meat causes inflammation? 

Acidity as a Cause of Disease


By Benedict Freudenmann

So far we’ve explored infections, toxicity and deficiencies. These three (along with stress) are the core underlying causes of biological disease. However when treating disease we must consider what the effects these causes have and how they result in the cascade of ill health that once started is so hard to stop. Therefore in the TRULY HEAL methodology to managing disease we must consider the 2 most immediate down stream influencers of disease. These are Acidity and Inflammation. I initially planned to write these into one article however after beginning to write, I realized the enormity of this task. Therefore we will explore each in more detail over 2 different articles. Remember both of these symptoms of the underlying causes are causes of further down stream events are common denominators in almost all disease. So in this article let’s take a closer look at Acidity.
To begin I’ll start with the basics by explaining just what acidity actually means. pH is the universal measurement of acidity and alkalinity and the letters pH are an abbreviation for Potential Hydrogen. The higher the pH reading; the more alkaline, the lower the pH reading; the more acidic. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic. Simple right?
Normal cellular metabolism and function require the pH of your blood to be maintained within narrow limits, 7.35-7.45. Even mild changes outside this range have dangerous health effects. pH of less than 6.8 or greater than 7.8 is considered – according to medical and physiology texts – incompatible with life.
Similarity specific is the pH of gastric acid in the stomach is 1.5-3.5. An elevation of this pH results in mal-absorption and thereby nutritional deficiencies.
Research shows that unless the body’s pH level is correctly modulated, the body cannot regain proper homeostasis and therefore cannot begin healing processes. Enzymes are the catalysts for all bodily reactions. These enzymes are specific proteins that function for individualized purposes. The optimal function of these enzymes relies heavily on the pH.
Toxins, deficiencies, stress, oxygen deprivation, infections and a poor diet commonly result in a decrease in the body’s pH. Thereby making the body acidic. This change directly affects enzymatic function.
Your body has an innate ability to correct the pH. The kidney is the primary organ that regulates blood pH as it controls the levels of minerals and urea in the blood. The concentration of mineral buffers such as phosphate, bicarbonate, magnesium, sulfur and sodium are used to ensure that pH is maintained. A deficiency in any of these minerals will lead to a dis-regulation in pH and kidney function. The lungs are the bodies other organ for regulating acidity. The constant exchange of acidic carbon dioxide for alkaline oxygen helps maintain proper pH within the blood stream.
Although the body has this fine-tuned ability to regulate the blood pH, the pH within interstitial fluid (between blood and cells) can vary, resulting in latent metabolic acidosis. Furthermore if the body is exposed to acid factors and needs to work hard to maintain homeostasis within the blood, it often does so at the cost of maintaining interstitial fluid pH. Therefore the body can be very acidic even though the blood stays within the important healthy parameters. These bits definitely more complicated so let me give you an example:
Patients with arthritis in their knee had the pH of their synovial fluid measured. The study found that people with osteoarthritis showed statistically significant lower pH values (7.1) than healthy individuals (7.4-7.9). Secondly the study found that the lowered pH was closely linked with inflammation and pain. Supplementation of buffering minerals such as potassium citrate, calcium bicarbonate and magnesium citrate resulted in a reduction in arthritis symptoms. During this entire time the patients’ blood pH stayed within normal parameters.
Your body has the potential and ability to heal itself.
Ensuring your body’s pH is in balance both in your blood and interstitial fluid is a pinnacle step in achieving this. Any imbalance In the body’s pH will result in a gross change in metabolic function and can lead to serious health concerns and/or death.
Some of the common conditions that may be attributed to Acidity are:
§  Hormone dis-regulation
§  Cardiovascular weakness
§  Weight gain/loss
§  Bladder and kidney dysfunction
§  Immune deficiency
§  Acceleration of free radical damage
§  Structural system weakness, including brittle bones, hip fractures and joint discomfort
§  Compromised liver function
§  Low energy
§  Slow digestion and elimination
§  Yeast/fungal overgrowth
§  Tumour growth.
In regards to cancer, malignant cells create an acidic environment around themselves due to anaerobic respiration that inhibits immune system detection and increases their potential for growth, angiogenesis and metastasis. Therefore any person that is suffering from cancer is guaranteed to be suffering from a more acidic milieu. The correction of this acidity will be an uphill battle as cancer cells are constantly creating more acidity around themselves. Therefore aiding the natural buffers is a key step to maintaining pH homeostasis.

Evaluation of acid- alkalinity status

So we’ve established that your pH equilibrium is extremely important. To identify if you do have an issue with acidity it is most important to firstly and simply look at your life and circumstances, seeing if there are any factors that would encourage an acidic environment. Remember that the common underlying causes of diseases are also the drivers of an acid environment (infections, toxicity, deficiencies and stress). If these are present take a closer look at your symptoms to see if there are any that may be attributed to pH imbalances. Finally there are some tests that may be utilized to directly measure the pH of certain areas in the body. I’ve discussed some of these tests bellow and included the value and validity of using them.

Urine pH

As we’ve learnt the kidneys are very efficient and the blood pH rarely ever changes (except for extreme disease conditions). Therefore the pH of urine changes as the kidney functions to maintain the bloods ph. This means that the pH of the urine indicates how hard or well the body is working to maintain the proper pH of the blood. The pH of urine can vary widely because 99% of excreted acid is in bound form. It does however tend to be lower though in the morning and higher in the evening. Therefore tracking urinary pH is not a clear indicator of acidosis, however charting it over a period of time can help you identify your body’s ability to buffer and reaction to acidic incidences. Although this is not an accurate science and definite parameters have not been set it is my preferred way of assessing pH disturbances. Measuring and charting your urinary pH at the same time of the day each day for over a week will give us an idea of overall acidity or alkalinity. The results are further amplified if a PRAL diet is followed so we can account for, or reduce dietary influences. I’ve explained more about PRAL below.

Saliva pH

Saliva pH between 5.6-6.9 is desired for optimal amylase enzyme function. Unfortunately salivary pH is impacted by such a wide range of factors such as; food, drink, breathing, oral health, hydration, toxins, lung health, stomach hypo/hyper-chlorhydria, etc. Therefore this is not a reliable source to measure metabolic latent acidosis.

Estimation of dietary acid load

An evaluation of the acid/alkalinity of the food we ingest is achieved by assessing the relative bioavailability of acid or alkaline food constituents. PRAL-values of foods (potential renal acid load) can be very helpful to estimate the total dietary acid load.
PRAL is a mathematical formula that looks at the composition of protein, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
PRAL = 0.49 x protein (g) + 0.037 x phosphorus (mg) - 0.021 x potassium (mg) -0.026 x magnesium (mg) - 0.013 x calcium (mg)
Foods with a negative PRAL value exert an alkaline effect; Food with a positive PRAL value an acidic effect – It is the Sulphur in the concentrated protein of meat, fish, eggs and hard cheese and phosphorous in meat and soft drinks that makes these foods so acidic. Foods with a 0.0 PRAL value have a neutral effect.
There are many PRAL charts or calculators online where you can assess your diet to determine if it is high in acidic foods. Remember that unless we are trying re-balance an acidic system the aim of a PRAL diet is to be natural or only slightly alkaline.

Treating Acidosis:

Please note that the treatment of acidity should only be considered when the presence of acidifying factors might be influencing your body. Furthermore indicators of acidity are manifold and the identification of these should be completed before any treatment is undertaken.

Remove the cause

Naturally, if you have an infection, we must address the infection otherwise you will always be fighting an uphill battle. Going back to the basics and assessing the core underlying causes identified by the TRULY HEAL methodology (infections, deficiencies, toxins, stress) will inevitably lead to a reduction in acidity. I cannot stress this point enough, without addressing the root cause we cannot proceed on to a path of true healing. Therefore seek out the help of a TRULY HEAL practitioner, coach or other health professional to begin addressing the root causes.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, has an alkaline pH. It is a natural antacid and is a cheap but very effective way of raising the pH (more alkaline).
Bicarbonate is our bodies own buffering system and the kidneys control the release of bicarbonate to maintain the pH of the blood. However supplementation is another way to increase your bicarbonate level temporarily.
In some studies Oral NaHCO3 (bicarbonate) selectively increased the pH of tumors and reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases of breast cancer in experimental mice. NaHCO3 therapy also reduced the rate of lymph node involvement and significantly reduced the formation of hepatic metastases.
Although bicarbonate is an effective way to alkaline the body, it does so artificially and with a cost. Firstly once you stop bicarbonate supplementation the body immediately restores the acidic environment it was previously in. Secondly the oral bicarbonate supplementation strongly influences your digestive system’s pH. This results in a severe reduction and stomach acid and enzymatic function needed to break down food. Therefore bicarbonate supplementation must always be taken as far away from food as possible and should not be used long term due to the disrupting effects it has on the digestive system.
Putting aside oral ingestion of bicarbonate, Dr. Simoncini, an oncologist in Rome, Italy, has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. The theory behind his treatment is that the formation and spreading of tumors is simply the result of the presence of a fungus.
The basic concept is the administration of a solution with a high content of sodium bicarbonate directly into the tumors. If it is not possible to get the injection directly into the tumor, Dr. Simoncini places a small catheter directly into the artery that nourishes the tumor and administers high doses of sodium bicarbonate to the deepest recesses of the tumor.

Alkaline minerals

Organic bound mineral citrates breakdown to form water and carbon dioxide. The lungs exhale Co2 and leaving only water behind. Water has a neutral pH and therefore reduces the body’s acid load. Mineral citrates provide long lasting pH balance and bicarbonate sparing in the body. The use of mineral citrates is the preferable long term solution to maintaining healthy pH and for managing latent acidosis.
§  Potassium citrate
§  Magnesium citrate
§  Sodium citrate
§  Zinc citrate
§  Calcium citrate

Green powders / Chlorophyll

Green powders primarily made from spirulina or chlorella algae and the juices of various types of grasses: barley, wheat, or alfalfa help the body to alkalize. Likewise chlorophyll one of the active constituents in all greens can be taken as a liquid to support alkalization.


Diet high in alkalizing foods such as vegetables and fruits. A reduction in all kind of meats and protein as well as flours and sugar helps the body to alkalize.
When meal planning it is important to combine highly alkaline foods in a meal with foods that are acidic to create help your body maintain a balanced pH. A diet that is modeled after Potential Renal Load will ensure a balanced pH. Please note that when designed a diet with this, the aim is to reach a PRAL value of zero (or close).

Digestive Enzymes

Supplementation with digestive enzymes helps to balance the body’s pH and overcome acidosis. The pancreas is responsible for producing most digestive enzymes and it also produces bicarbonate. If your pancreas is not functioning properly, the quantities of natural enzymes can be less than optimal.

Alkaline water

Similarly to bicarbonate, alkaline water can result in an overall alkalization of the body. This water should be drunk on an empty stomach so that it does not affect digestive function. Furthermore this therapy like bicarbonate does not address the root cause. However as there is often a complex combination of alkalizing minerals in this water it may support the bodies innate buffering system.


An acidic pH is commonly caused by infections, deficiencies, toxins and stress. Aggravated by an acidic diet acidity is one of the most common denominators to almost all diseases. Hopefully through this article you have learnt the importance of pH regulation, how to assess your acidity and alkalinity and how to reduce acidity in your body. Regulating pH is a key factor in any healing process and treatment for it lies mainly in the hands of your lifestyle choices.


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