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The Theory of Autoimmunity explains also the Chronic Kidney Failure

The two most common reasons for chronic kidney failure are diabetic nephropathy and chronic glomerulonephritis. Diabetes I have mentioned above. Now I would talk about nephritis:
As we all know all kinds of nephritis are autoimmune deceases. In the nephron are accumulated antigen-antibody complexes, or there is a direct reaction of an antibody against the epithelia of the nephron.
For example we develop autoimmune reaction against a protein in the glomeruli. This causes the nephron destruction and chronic kidney failure. This can be a false autoimmune reaction of the human organism against its own protein, caused by the consumption of foreign protein common to the human protein.
Or there is an accumulation of antigen- antibody complex in the nephron that causes inflammation and destruction of the nephron.
Antibody and antigen can be human proteins found in blood. Antibody is produced against foreign protein, common in structure to human and reacts falsely to human protein. These antigen-antibody complexes accumulate in the nephron and destroy it.
Or Antigen is foreign and antibody is human. For example big amount of animal protein enters the blood stream and causes immune reaction and antibody production; the antigen-antibody complex enters the nephron and causes destruction of nephron membrane. Protein must not overcome 25% of food income. For example it is proved that high doses of protein can cause kidney failure, but we all thought it is because of nitrogen high levels, but it is not true, the protein itself causes the immune reaction and destruction of the nephron.
So if we try to lose weight through ketogenic diet we stand at the highest risk of kidney failure. High protein diets are effective but very dangerous to health.

Why high protein diets are the easiest but most dangerous way to ideal weight?

As I mentioned humans originate from monkeys and monkey are mostly vegetarians. Evolutionally we could not develop so quickly that we could use meat as a source of energy or for building food depots like fat tissue. What we do with more proteins when we get rich supplies of them is eliminate them through kidneys. But the benefit of that is quite risky, because we lose weight and pay with our health. It is well known fact that active sportsmen get after they finish their career fatter than normal people, they develop heart attacks and die young. Why? Their body after losing activity accumulates all fats and in the conditions of low inflammation atherosclerosis is at one hand distance.

Can we predict what disease would we develop by consuming meat?

The simple answer is no.
Of course statistically most common is obesity, atherosclerosis and diabetes type 2. Why? The insulin receptor is the most common receptor in muscles, so it enters in largest quantities into the immune system through GIT. We should not be wondering why obesity is a pandemic, followed by metabolic syndrome. Why some people are obese and other not?
There are different phenotypes of the insulin receptor in animals and humans. It leads to the conclusion that the antibodies that are produced against the animal receptor react to some human receptors and not to all. So some people are blessed with esthetic body - others not.
COPD in all of its forms is on the second place after metabolic syndrome. Why? Because almost all people get influenza if they are exposed to the influenza virus. Some get respiratory form, others also the vascular form. It depends on the type of virus and how sensitive we are to it. So it is the phenotype of the receptor that defines if we would get COPD, aorta dissection or myocardial infarction. Statistically we can bet on heart attack.
To get sick with the more rare diseases is poor luck, but it also depends on the phenotype of our receptor and on the exposition on the animal receptor.
So we cannot change our genetics, but could we change our diet?

The next article gives us hope:


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