It is observed that bone fractures
increase with age. Another observation is that children have much more proteins
and water in their bones as elderly people which have more mineral components
in their bones. With increasing the age both components are decreasing and thus
come osteoporosis.
Very controversial studies prove that
in societies with high milk products consummation is osteoporosis much wider
spread as in societies which do not consume milk products. Perplexing, isn`t
Bone maintenance is a
delicate business. In adults, the daily removal of small amounts of bone
mineral, a process called resorption, must be balanced by an equal deposition
of new mineral if bone strength is to be preserved. When this balance tips
toward excessive resorption, bones weaken (osteopenia) and over time can become
brittle and prone to fracture (osteoporosis).
This continual
resorption and redeposition of bone mineral, or bone remodeling, is intimately
tied to the pathophysiology of osteoporosis. Understanding how bone remodeling
is regulated is the key to the effective prevention and treatment of
Bones, like the
framework of an aircraft, have evolved to be light yet strong. These properties
are conferred to a large degree by architecture. The long bones are tubular in
shape, with a strong outer shell, or cortical layer, surrounding a softer,
spongier core called trabecular bone. The combination makes these bones strong
and light, but flexible enough to absorb the stress – from high impact
exercises – without breaking. The vertebrae are similarly constructed, with a
thick cortical layer surrounding sheets of trabecular bone. As a unit, each
vertebra can compress when temporarily loaded and then return to their original
But unlike an aircraft
frame, a skeleton is alive and must be able to grow, heal, and respond to its
environment. This is where bone remodeling plays a crucial role. However, there
is a downside. As we age, daily remodeling leads to a gradual restructuring of
the bone. Resorption of the minerals on the inside of the cortical layer and in
the bone cavity itself leads to an inexorable loss of trabecular bone and a
widening of the bone cavity. This is partly compensated for by the gradual
addition of extra layers of mineral to the outside of the cortical layer.
The upshot is that
overall the bones get slightly thicker. But the danger is that they are not
getting any denser. In fact, peak bone mass, reached in early adulthood,
gradually declines as people get older.
Bone architecture and
continual remodeling combine to have a huge impact on the pathophysiology of
osteoporosis. For example, young adults with wider femurs might be at higher
risk for hip fractures late in life because, on average, wider bones tend to
have thinner cortical layers. The thinner this layer is, the more susceptible
it will be to resorption later in life.
The balance between bone
resorption and bone deposition is determined by the activities of two principle
cell types, osteoclasts and osteoblasts, which are from two different origins.
Osteoclasts are endowed with highly active ion channels in the cell membrane
that pump protons into the extracellular space, thus lowering the pH in their
own microenvironment.
This drop in pH
dissolves the bone mineral. Osteoblasts, through an as yet poorly characterized
mechanism, lay down new bone mineral. The balance between the activities of
these two cell types governs whether bone is made, maintained, or lost. The
activities of these cells are also intimately intertwined. In a typical bone
remodeling cycle, osteoclasts are activated first, leading to bone resorption.
Then, after a brief “reversal”
phase, during which the resorption “pit” is occupied by osteoblasts precursors,
bone formation begins as progressive waves of osteoblasts form and lay down
fresh bone matrix. Because the bone formation phase typically takes much longer
than the resorption phase, any increase in remodeling activity tends to result
in a net loss of bone. At various stages throughout this process, the
precursors, osteoclasts, and osteoblasts communicate with each other through
the release of various “signaling” molecules. How these signaling molecules and
various other endogenous (such as hormones) or external (such as diet and
exercise) factors influence the cells involved in bone physiology is a topic of
intense research activity.
For more information please search for the books "The Theory of Autoimmunity" and "Rebellious Thoughts about Osteoorosis" by Tanya G. Guleria in