One of the most important units of
health care is the osteoporosis prevention. A crucial part in it is the
diagnosis of osteoporosis. Unfortunately osteoporosis is diagnosed often too
late after occurring of fractures trough small trauma or even spontaneous
For example patients come in the
clinic with back bone pain for months and after an X-ray picture we already see
one or more vertebral body sintering fractures. Unfortunately to diagnose
osteoporosis after occurring of fractures is too late, because the healing
process is too long, painful and costs too much money to health care system.
That is why the health care system
tries to find a solution of this problem by importing some method of diagnosing
osteoporosis earlier than its manifestations such as bone densitometry test.
Bone densitometry tests is a high
recommended test which determines the density (or the calcium content) of the
bone through its X-ray resorption.
Unfortunately in my experience as a doctor
in an orthopedic clinic I have observed a lot of patients with spontaneous
fractures which have normal results in a bone densitometry test. If they get
fractures without a trauma after physiological movements what should be the
reason for their fractures? This proves perhaps that osteoporosis and calcium
level in bones may be connected with osteoporosis, but not the main reason for
fractures, doesn’t it?
The explanation of this paradox is
that through degenerative changes of bones the bone density test accepts for
example exophytes as normal bone and falsifies the results.
Unfortunately this happens very often…
For more information please search for the books "The Theory of Autoimmunity" and "Rebellious Thoughts about Osteoorosis" by Tanya G. Guleria in